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Create the Best Meditation Space with These 5 Tips

Meditation is a thoroughly beneficial training of the mind. It may seem to some as strangely simple and passive, but this could not be further from the truth. Meditation takes work, know-how, and the right atmosphere. Aside from needing your concentration, dedication, and stamina, this spiritual practice also requires some technical aspects, such as a proper meditation space. To honor the true essence of the practice, you need to create the right conducive environment. Here are the five essential points to consider when finding and building your ideal meditation space.

To honor the true essence of the practice, you need to create the right conducive environment. Here are the five essential points to consider when finding and building your ideal meditation space.

A regular place

              Yes, meditation in nature is a unique and transformative experience. However, making daily trips out into nature can be tricky, complicated, and time-consuming. Not everyone has a garden or a beach or an isolated green area nearby, and even if so – what about unfavorable weather? With this said, you need to find a realistic and safe solution for your place of meditation. The bedroom is usually the most convenient option, but really any other space can also work as long as it can be reserved exclusively for this purpose for about 20 minutes a day. By deciding on a regular place for this sacred time of the day, you’ll make meditation a regular habit as well.   

Relatively quiet and clean

Meditation is all about finding your own path to inner peace. In order to avoid getting distracted along the way, you need to limit the number of items around you, minimize the possibility of noise, and keep the place clean. If you’re sharing an apartment with family, friends, or a partner, let them know about your sacred place and time of the day. Turn off all the beeping gadgets around you beforehand. You’ll want to have simple and gentle colors in plain sight for a more calming effect. Additionally, you may want to keep your meditation pillow or mat in the middle of the room for a visual cue and reminder.   

Well ventilated/good air quality

For a peaceful and calming environment, it’s necessary to shut out all the external distractions, including sounds from the rest of the house, outdoors traffic noises, or any other sort of humming. This requires that all doors and windows be closed, but this may lead to air stagnation, even if you have an air conditioner or fan in the room. To ensure that you’ll be breathing clear and healthy air during your meditation, consider getting a reliable HEPA air purifier and maybe also adopting a plant that will beautify your environment and improve the air quality.

Natural light

Meditation enables us to connect with the earth, free our minds, develop self-love and ultimately connect with nature. In order to unwind your mind and reach the enlightening point of total presence in the moment, you should avoid all sorts of artificial light sources. Ideally, your meditation corner should be naturally well-lit, so keep your windows closed but blinds open and curtains set aside, allowing the abundant sunlight to come inside.

A comfortable seat

There are so many variations of sitting cross-legged ranging from full/half lotus to the Burmese position, but they are all best supported by a meditation cushion. It’s worth investing in a well-made and firm cushion for a consistent meditation practice. Of course, you can use a chair if you need, but just make sure to sit away from the back of the chair, keep your back straight, and stay supported by comfortable pillows.

No matter which type of space you choose to be your spiritual shelter, follow these simple tips to optimize the atmosphere and make the practice of meditation enjoyable and effective. Finally, you can always consider giving your space a distinctive touch by decorating the walls with pieces of art, incorporating scented candles or reed diffusers, or maybe even sharing the space for group meditation sessions. 

- Gust post by Stella Van Lan -

Stella van Lane is a passionate writer in love with coffee, chocolate, music, books and good vibes. Her top interests are health, yoga, meditation and interior design.


Thank you Stella for this amazing post. Thank you for not online inspiring me but I know this will inspire others as well! - Caroline

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